Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 12 - News Online and Conclusion

How do you think you can use these tools in your library or at home?
I'm not sure I will use Digg. I question whether the bulk of the articles are fact or fiction. In a school setting, it would be extremely important to be able to evaluate the source. Also, with all of the really good databases we subscribe to, which filter out the "junk", I don't see an advantage to using sites like this. These sites are also blocked by our school's filters.

Do these tools seem to be a productivity enhancer or a productivity detractor?

I guess my vote would be a productivity detractor. As with "Google" searching, you could easily stray from your original intent. There seems to be almost too much information to cull through.

Have you ever read a story/item as a result of seeing it on one of these sites?
Since I am new to Digg, I haven't used this tool much. I am, however, a "news junkie" and consistently read, Minneapolis Star Tribune and the Elk River Star News for local information and like for national/world news. I don't subscribe to RSS for any of these news sites because I don't want to be bombarded with information. I choose when I want to scan these sources for news. I know my preferred news sources have been chosen by an editor, but so far that has been working for me. Why change? On the social media sites, I don't want to have to take the time to evaluate whether the articles are fact or fiction, some that I did scan seemed pretty far fetched. I may pop onto Digg, just for fun, but don't see myself using it consistently, either at home or at school.

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